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Tag Archives: humility
Tea Party: Deeper Issues Simmering Below the Surface
The critiques of sustainable development by Tea Party activists are many and I review the specifics elsewhere. Here I summarize and critique five deeper issues that seem to simmer just below the surface and motivate many of the concerns: 1) … Continue reading
Posted in Tea Party
Tagged equity, Fear, freedom, humility, neoliberalism, pluralism, regulation, religion, smart growth, sustainability
Tea Party: Confusion and Fear
I attended my first tea party meeting. It confused me. Discussion ranged over a wide range of topics including sustainability, local economic development, food security, sustainable agriculture, protecting farms, forests, and other open spaces, reducing tax burdens caused by unplanned … Continue reading
Posted in Environmental Fundamentalism, Tea Party
Tagged equity, Fear, humility, neoliberalism, pluralism, religion, sustainability
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Landcare 3: The Will to Act
[Part 3 of 3: see 1 and 2] The challenges we confront are immense, but not insurmountable. Alternative paths leading towards solutions exist. Landcare is safest and most rewarding of these paths, but it will be difficult steer our culture … Continue reading
Posted in Landcare
Tagged Fear, humility, materialism, neoliberalism, story, sustainability
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Ecosystem Services: Perils of Pricing the Priceless
Nature, our landlord, does not send us a monthly utilities bill. The oxygen we breathe gets replenished for free. So too our water gets filtered and stored, our wastes decayed and soil fertilized, cancer causing ultraviolet radiation blocked, and crops … Continue reading
Posted in Environmental Fundamentalism, Markets, Philosophy/ethics
Tagged ecosystem services, humility, morals, pluralism
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Who Should You Thank?
It is time for us to grow up and recognize what we have been given. We might not like our chances when our luck runs out. Continue reading
Posted in Philosophy/ethics
Tagged ethics, humility, responsibility
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